Instagram Shopify | How to Set up Instagram Shop

Instagram Shopify allows small businesses to set up a storefront on their page for people to be able to…

Instagram Shopify allows small businesses to set up a storefront on their page for people to be able to explore their services or products. With the use of the Instagram shop, you can easily share features products by using the normal means of posting and stories.

Instagram Shopify

With Instagram Shop, people can discover their products in the Search & Explore section. The interesting aspect of the Instagram shop is that when someone clicks on the product in which you tag to your post, he/she will be redirected to the product description page.

Eligibility  for Instagram Shopify or Instagram Shop

Please note that not all Instagram users can make use of the Instagram shop. There are certain countries in which Instagram shopping is accessible or available. However, it stated that your Instagram should meet the available market that includes countries like the United States and Canada. You can click on the Instagram Shopping availability to see the more available market.

Also Read: Open Wish Shopping Account | How To Open An Account On Wish Shopping

However, if your Instagram account is located outside the available market. Then, you make use of the Proxy services or VPN, in other to set up the Instagram shop on your Instagram page. There’s a probability that you might lose all the ability to tag products.

How to Set up Instagram Shop

Before you can add the Instagram shopping button to your Instagram business account. You must first meet the commerce eligibility requirement and also get your account approved for the Instagram shopping. Plus, you need to use the latest version of the Instagram app to access the Instagram shopping feature. Here are the following steps:

  • Open the latest Instagram app.
  • Go to your profile and click on the three-menu icon.
  • Click on Settings and select Business.
  • Click on Shopping and click Continue.
  • Select a product catalog you want to use to link to your professional account.
  • Finally, click Done.

Please note that if you do not see the Shopping icon, this means that your account is not verified yet or that your account is under review. Initially, the process for your account to receive approval for Instagram shopping usually take some days.

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