Poultry Farming Business | How To Start A Poultry Business

If you do not know about Poultry Farming Business, we shall be educated on how you can start one….

If you do not know about Poultry Farming Business, we shall be educated on how you can start one. Below are the necessary things you need to know about Poultry Business. Being an entrepreneur has always been a life-long dream for me.

Poultry Farming Business

Poultry Farming Business is a lucrative business that most people do not know. Poultry Farming is raising various domestic birds like chicken, turkey, emu, ducks, geese, etc. for their eggs or meat. It does not require huge capital to start as you can start from the comfort of your house if you have enough space to take the number of birds that you desire.

Poultry FarmingAccording to the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association, the combined value of production from broilers, eggs, turkeys, and the value of sales from chickens in 2018 was $46.3 billion. The National Chicken Council says 95% of broiler chickens are raised by about 25,000 family farmers contracted with around 30 companies.

List of Equipment

1. Generator: This is us to supply electricity to the poultry house as well as to keep the poultry house gadget running

2. Feeders: They are a device used to feed the birds, some of which are made from plastic or meters.

3.  Lighting gadgets: Bulbs and rechargeable for light

4.  Drinker: This is devices used for holding water for the birds to drink.

5.  Waste bin: This is used to trash waste in the poultry farm

Poultry Farming

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6.  Table/chair: The table and chair are for sales representative and customers

7.  Shovel: Will be used to cleaning up the poultry house

8.  Nose max: This will use protect and clear the breath of staff when cleaning the poultry house

9.  Gloves: Will be used to protecting the staff while working on the farm

10. Capital: This is the money that you will use to purchase the item listed above and below.

Material Need

  • Feeds
  • Water
  • VaccineTreatments for the birds
  • Sawdust
  • Day-old chick

With the list above, Then you are good to go.


Commercial poultry farming in Nigeria has created and still creating a profitable business opportunity for Entrepreneurs and can provide a great employment source for job seekers. Most entrepreneurs prefer to produce day-old chicks and sell them to growers, as this option is easier and less risky. The choice, however, is up to you.

As a business owner, you need to get your business finances right from the onset and at the heart of these viable business opportunities in poultry farming are platforms, such as our online invoicing software that helps you keep proper track of your business revenues and expenses with ease.

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