Steps to Monetize TikTok In 2022-2023

Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have not only given users fun and networking experience but…

Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have not only given users fun and networking experience but have opened a vast means of revenue generation. If you are a social media user, especially TikTok, who hasn’t started making money yet, this article will outline some strategies you can employ to Monetize TikTok off your experience.

Monetize TikTok

TikTok, since its debut in 2016, has grown exponentially to become one of the biggest social platforms on the internet today. With over 3 billion downloads by people around the world, it is the only social platform not owned by Facebook to hit that benchmark. With such a large pool audience, it’s a no-brainer that you can create an account on TikTok and make some money from it.

Social media influence is becoming even more popular by the day and TikTok is one of the platforms where influences thrive. Some get over a million dollars per year by posting short videos regularly. Though it may not be easy to start up a TikTok account and make money from it with time, dedication, and proper planning you can achieve it.

Ways to Monetize TikTok in 2022

There are many ways in which you can make money from using TikTok. Below are the best 6 Ways to Monetize TikTok in 2022

1. Become an Influencer on TikTok

Before you can become an influencer, you will first have to grow your account and have a substantial number of loyal followers. Once you have these followers and become popular enough, then brands can approach you to help them promote their products or services to the entire world.

Though not every brand would want an influencer with a huge number of followers. Some prefer to work with influencers with a small number of followers in a specific niche.

In return for the promotion of their products or services, brands may pay you or offer to give you free products. They could also hire you permanently to become the brand influencer for that product or service. This is one of the way you can Monetize TikTok

2. Grow and Sell TikTok Accounts

Another strategy you can employ would be to create, grow then sell a TikTok account. Many business owners would like to take advantage of the large audience on TikTok but do not have the time and dedication to grow an account from scratch and that’s where you come in.

To do this though the account needs to be niche specific, not just full of followers. What would the use of the account be if it has a whole lot of people who aren’t interested in the brand’s goods or services? It would be easier to sell the account if it is niche specific since the brand just has to keep making videos similar to the ones you made previously by these you can Monetize TikTok

Also Read: How to Monetize YouTube | YouTube Monetization 2022

Personal accounts would be more difficult to sell since the followers are attached to the person and not the content. When you sell an account, give the buyers little tips and advice on how to further engage followers on that account.

3. Sell your Products on TikTok

For countries like the US, UK, and Canada, TikTok in partnership with Shopify provides a new feature on the app, a shopping tab, and a product link for TikTokers which can be added to their profile. This tab helps TikTok users with a Shopify store to advertise and sell their products through the TikTok app. Users who click on a product via the shopping tab link are redirected to the Shopify store of the merchant where they can make purchases. This could help you generate sales for your products or services though it’s not a direct way of making money on TikTok.

If you don’t have a lot of followers, you can upload videos of your good and services, outlining what makes them unique to the market. Be creative with your videos, nothing is holding you back.

4. Create and Upload Sponsored Posts

You can make some money by creating a video listing out specifics given to you by brands of certain products who pay you a fee in return for your services. Before you can approach different brands, or have them approach you, you need to have enough recognition. You can start with smaller brands or even reach out to local businesses in your area and feature them in a TikTok video to build up your portfolio. It’s advisable to charge minimum fees while starting up and as your account grows, you can increase these charges little by little till you become a big name among TikTok creators.

If you would prefer to go for big brands and charge expensive fees then you should join the TikTok Creators Marketplace (TCM) which is a platform that lets brands market their products and services on TikTok. For you to be eligible, you need to be at least 18 years of age, have over 100,000 followers, and have over 100,000 likes on your videos in the last 4 weeks. So if you choose to be a creator, you should stick to making unique videos and sharing them with different brands on startup.

5. Donations from Users

This is another way you can Monetize TikTok, If you are eligible for a live stream, TikTok has a feature where your viewers can purchase coins or gifts, and over time you can exchange these coins for cash. While live streaming, your fans can send you coins or use these coins to buy you gifts on the app. You can convert these coins or their equivalent into diamonds. You can then exchange these diamonds for cash using the PayPal app.

6. Become a Tiktok Consultant

Social media platforms can prove difficult to navigate at times and TikTok is one of such platforms. Trends can change overnight and anyone can lose or gain an insane amount of followers overnight, hence the need for TikTok consultants.

Brands can choose to hire these consultants to help them grow their accounts and increase their presence on the app. You can charge a fee for making trendy videos for a brand or teaching others how to create and follow a trend. To successfully become a TikTok consultant, you need to know how to garner views and show your expertise in the operation of the app.


TikTok offers different opportunities that you can take advantage of, especially with the COVID 19 outbreak. With these tips, you could comfortably be making some money at home by posting one or two videos daily.

Hope this information on how you can Monetize TikTok was useful, do use the comment below and also do share.

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